Create the Festival Ale for MFDF14

Win a chance to create the Festival Ale for MFDF14
As preparations get underway for the 2014 Manchester Food and Drink Festival, brewing sponsor Thwaites, is running a competition for a chance to brew the special Festival ale for the 10 day extravaganza in Manchester City Centre.
Would-be-brewers are being asked to come up with suggestions for the taste and name of the brew, to give it a real flavour of Manchester. After all a city synonymous with so many flavours from Vimto through to Manchester Tart and Eccles cakes deserves an extra special Festival beer.
The winning entrant will be picked on 27th June, and will then be invited to work with Thwaites's head brewer to shape their winning flavour suggestions into a real beer recipe. They will go behind the scenes to learn about different hops and malts which will help form the basis of their winning brew. The winner will then get hands on with mashing, boiling and fermenting their brew ready for the festival, where they will pull the first pint at the launch night on Thursday 18th September at the Festival Hub on Albert Square.
To enter the completion, please email [email protected] with your two suggested flavours to be included in the brew and a name for your beer. Winners will be picked by head Brewer Dave Goodwin on Friday 27th June.
Note: Winners must be available to visit the brewery to work on the brew w/c 5th July.
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Posted on 17 June 2014