British Street Food Awards Winner at MFDF!

Street food in Britain used to be Mr Whippee – or that bloke with a rusty metal handcart outside the football ground. Not any more. It’s now the most vibrant, exciting sector in British food, with young cooks turning out restaurant-quality menus at take-away prices. From the coolest trucks and trailers you’ll ever see. British Street Food are working with private and public businesses up and down the country to deliver exciting, affordable, high-end food on the go. But this summer, in Olympic year, the British Street Food Awards are landing on London. Over the weekend of September 14-16, the coolest exponents of the art battle it out for Best of the Best. Check out last year's throw down at But the best thing is, the winners are coming up to Manchester. Watch this space!
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Posted on 10 July 2012