Post Festival Highlight: Manchester Whisky Festival 2013

Saturday 12th October
Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley Street, M2
The Manchester Whisky Festival returns for a 5th year!
In what has become a must-do event for those whisky-curious or whisky-mad, this year the action comes to Bridgewater Hall, and the perfect antidote to a the end of MFDF!
For those who haven't attended before, prepare to be delighted as you are handed a tasting glass (to keep) and festival program as you enter the event. You're then free to peruse stands populated by some of the best whisky producers in the world and taste their wares!
There are free 'Beginners Guide' workshops (first come, first served, for Full Day ticket-holders only), specialist masterclasses and more! Plus there's 'Under The Counter' tokens for those who want more, giving you access to special and exclusive whiskies at selected stands...
There's Half Day (£20) and Full Day (£30) tickets available which include...
- Access to the event from 12pm (2.30pm for Half Day tickets) Glencairn tasting glass
- A bottle of water
- The Festival Guide
- Two White Under the Counter Drams Tokens (Full Day ticket only) Access to special free workshops (Full Day ticket only - first come, first served)
These events really are the best way to start your journey into the world of whisky. For full details on classes, exhibitors and what's included on which ticket please visit or call 01904 410841.
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Posted on 10 September 2013